Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Literal Lava Flow?

Does anyone else talk to their beer like it's a family member?

So brewed our Kona Firerock Clone on a Sunday (which we are lovingly referring to as "Lava Flow")

D came home Monday night to a mess

A yeasty, foamy mess

Remind you of anyone?

It seems our latest creation has taken to the name "Lava Flow" a bit too literally.

So because we didn't want to clean up after the beer every hour on the hour for the next few days, D doctored us up a blow-off tube!

But just to give you an idea HOW active this yeast has been here is a quick video:

Please note, I am not doing anything here!  This is the act of the yeast turning the fermentable sugars into alcohol and releasing air through the tube, which in our case here, is submerged in a pot of sanitized water to keep it from going everywhere.

Remember how we purposely put this latest batch in the glass carboy so we could see what's going on?  Turns out we got quite a show!

See kids?  Chemistry can be fun! and delicious...and messy...

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