Thursday, January 5, 2012

Brew Me a Cold One....The Results Show

Happy New Year Everyone!

Welp folks, the results are in!

No no, not that thing in Iowa

The BEER!  We have polled our friends and family and here's what they had to say:

"Very tasty" - My Dad

"This is awesome" 

"Great flavor and color"

"I laughed, I cried, I begged for more"

(ok, maybe not the last one)

Overall, the VGS had a great mouth-feel and flavor, but it was extremely carbonated.  Over 1/2 the bottle was foam.  So basically out of the 5 gallons of beer we brewed only about 1 will actually be consumed.  We think there may have been too much corn sugar.  We will be sure to be careful of that in the next batch

The oatmeal stout had great flavor, but it was more like a dark ale rather than a stout.  A good, full-bodied stout should have a silky, almost molasses like feel to it, and this was slightly watery.  Again, the flavor was really great, but it was a bit more like an ale.  It also had the over-carbonation problem, but it wasn't as severe.

So there you have it folks.  It will be interesting to see if either of these improve over time.  The hefe we did about a year ago did, so there is hope for improvement.

And finally, in the spirit of Christmas, we received a gift certificate to our favorite place...Flying Barrel!  So stay tuned kids (all 3 of you), we'll be heading back in 2 weeks to brew something that would be ready for the spring.  At the moment, we have our eye on a sour cherry witbier.  We thought that might be a refreshing spring time beverage.  Suggestions for names welcome...sound off below!

One of these days we also have to man up and start actually brewing at home (you know, hence the name of the blog).

Until sure to follow @brewmeacoldone on twitter to get reviews on the tastiest beer in DC and the occasional Mark Sanchez rant...

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